Archive List for Registered Machizukuri group of Akasaka Street
I am supporting the area as a registered Machizukuri consultant of Minato-ku. We did several workshops including my lecture, a walking workshop, a collage workshop and a design workshop. Through the process, the people could set up a good image as a branding of AKASAKA. They made an original AKASAKA umbrella. It was so successful .
The group is now selling the umbrella and the T-shirts with the new mark of AKASAKA.
(sorry Japanese page only)
- 2014.11.15 ビジョン説明会・まち歩きWS
- 2014.05 我がまちルール10箇条の制定
- 2013.11.23 赤坂新町エリア・タカラとアラを考える
- 2013.08.08 ビジョン説明会とまち歩きWS
- 2013.04.13 旧日大三高通りのリニューアル・一方通行ご賛同願い
- 2013.02.09 「代官山にみる協議・調整型のまちづくり」講演会
- 2012.07.14 落書き消し事業WS
- 2012.04.22 芝桜植栽活動
- 2011.11 赤坂通りまちづくりビジョンへのご賛同のお願い
- 2011.10.22 街づくりビジョン説明会/旧日大三高通で具体的にデザインを考えるWS