Archive List for Machizukuri of Shiba 1chome area

People in Shiba 1chome area offered me to be the Minatoku Machizukuri consultant. We did some workshops including my lecture and a workshop to find good point and bad point in the area. The group has become the recognized formal Machizukuri group of Minato-ku. It is now organizing some events so that more people join the Machizukuri activities.



(sorry Japanese page only)

2014.11.29  ご近所お茶会チラシ
2014.08.27  芝一丁目のまちづくり意見交換会
2014.06.25  講演会、これからのまちづくりについて考える
2014.04.23  今までのワークショップの内容報告とまちづくり協議会設立についての共有
2014.02.11  まち歩きWSの報告、提案の検討、認定組織設立についての検討
2013.11.30  まち歩きとタカラとアラを考えるワークショップ 

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